Brooks Curran

Bio & Athlete Information


Name: Brooks Curran
\r\nBirth date: 31 May 1994
\r\nAthlete, photographer, and creative<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

Born and raised in the Green Mountains of Vermont, Brooks Curran was instilled with an early appreciation for the outdoors. Curran grew up changing activities with the seasons— excelling in mountain biking and skiing. He has since blended the two disciplines,  combining them with his passion for adventure and discovery. Curran began alpine racing when he was 5, honing his skiing through the Green Mountain Valley School weekend race program. He quickly progressed from first-time racer to seasoned competitor. “Free skiing, drill work, racing, and gate training gave me the technical background and mechanics to tame challenging terrain,” says Curran.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

In college, Curran traded bashing gates for pursuing off-piste powder stashes. “Transitioning from alpine racer to freeskier reinvigorated my love for skiing that I had lost on the competitive racing circuit,” says Curran. “Freeriding is less restrictive than racing and is about creativity and improvisation.” He has since made a name for himself hucking kickers and head-charging steeps in the backcountry of the East Coast. Curran adapts to changes in terrain with equanimity, navigating bumps, deep snow, steeps, and tight glades with kinetic fluidity, speed control, and turn management. Competing in Ski The East Freeride Tour competitions,  Curran stood out for his style and flow down technical and playful descents. <\/p>\r\n\r\n

Curran’s craft is to merge skiing with his imaginative and creative mind. He has the athletic skill and knowledge of the mountains which allows him to access areas off-limits to novices and intermediates. This gives him the ability to capture dramatic action shots, in steeper, secluded and more elevated, difficult-to-navigate-terrain. With an editorial and photojournalist background, Curran’s photography often captures the action of skiing within the vastness of the natural landscape. “My photographic goal is to explore new visual possibilities by capturing the peak of action with greater attention to form, composition, texture, and light. I’m constantly refining and reconsidering composition and camera angle, bringing a keen eye and creative thinking to the graphic element present, letting the existing changing conditions dictate the picture’s terms.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Article by: Charudet Smith<\/strong><\/em><\/p>","sl":"

Ime: Brooks Curran
\nDatum rojstva: 31. maj 1994
\n\u0160portnik, fotograf in kreativec<\/strong><\/p>\n\n

Brooks Curran je odra\u0161\u010dal med gorami gorovja Green Mountains v Vermontu, zato mu je bila ljubezen do narave polo\u017eena v zibko. Skupaj z letnimi \u010dasi so se v njegovi mladosti menjali tudi \u0161porti, s katerimi se je ukvarjal, a gorsko kolesarjenje in smu\u010danje sta prednja\u010dila pred vsemi. Zahvaljujo\u010d svoji strasti do odkrivanja novega in avantur je vztrajal v obeh disciplinah. Tekmovati je za\u010del pri rosnih 5 letih, ko je vikende pre\u017eivljal na dirkah lokalne smu\u010darske \u0161ole. Napredoval je hitro in novinec je kar naenkrat postal izjemen tekmovalec. \u201cProsto smu\u010danje, delo na progi, tekmovanja in treningi so me tudi tehni\u010dno podkovali, da sem se lahko spopadel z zahtevnej\u0161imi tereni,\u201d svoje za\u010detke opi\u0161e Curran.<\/p>\n\n

Med \u0161tudijem na univerzi je Curran dirko okrog vratc zamenjal za iskanje sve\u017eega pr\u0161i\u010da izven urejene proge. \u201cPrehod z alpskega smu\u010danja na freeski je ponovno obudil mojo ljubezen do smu\u010danja, ki se je v \u010dasu tekmovalnega smu\u010danja kar nekoliko izgubila,\u201d pravi Curran. \u201cFreeride smu\u010danje je manj omejujo\u010de kot klasi\u010dno tekmovalno smu\u010danje; temelji na ustvarjalnosti in improvizaciji.\u201d Danes je znan po svojih vragolijah na divjih strminah vzhodne obale ZDA. Currana nobena sprememba terena, kuclji, globok sneg, strmine in poledeneli deli ne vr\u017eejo s tira; vse obvlada lahkotno, kontrolirano in izjemno natan\u010dno. Tudi na tekmovanju Ski The East Freeride Tour je Curran med lahkotnimi spusti prikazal svoj izjemen stil in tehni\u010dno podkovanost.<\/p>\n\n

Curran se izka\u017ee tudi v tem, da je sposoben smu\u010danje zdru\u017eiti s svojim ustvarjalnim, domi\u0161ljije polnim umom in svojo drugo ljubeznijo - fotografijo. Je \u0161portno podkovan in razume gorski teren, kar mu dovoljuje, da dostopa do terenov, kjer za manj kot profesionalce enostavno ni prostora. Tako lahko v objektiv lovi dramati\u010dne akcijske posnetke - na \u0161e strmej\u0161ih, \u0161e bolj divjih, \u0161e odro\u010dnej\u0161ih terenih. Ker ima Curran tudi izku\u0161nje iz fotografskega novinarstva ter uredni\u0161tva, je sposoben v objektiv ujeti tako akcijo (smu\u010danje) kot tudi izjemno kuliso, ki mu jo nudi neskon\u010dna neokrnjena narava. \u201cMoj fotografski cilj je raziskati vse mo\u017enosti, ki mi jih ponuja fotografiranje prizorov smu\u010danja v divjini; posvetiti se \u017eelim vsem variantam kompozicije, teksture, svetlobe. Nenehno spreminjam in prilagajam kompozicijo in kot objektiva, pri tem pa tudi trenutnim spreminjajo\u010dim se razmeram pustim, da odigrajo svoje in se podpi\u0161ejo pod moje delo.\u201d<\/p>\n\n

Avtor \u010dlanka: Charudet Smith<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n"}