Parker Herlihy

Bio & Athlete Information

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Name: Parker Herlihy
\r\nBirth date: 22 November 1997


Raised in the winter playground of  Mad River Valley, Vermont, Parker Herlihy’s journey and boundless passion for skiing began at Sugarbush, where he started sliding down its slopes almost as soon as he could walk. Learning technique through instruction and desire, Herlihy developed a strong skillset and a burning passion for skiing big mountains. “Skiing is an escape —there’s nothing better than feeling the rush of shredding down the mountain and having good talks with friends on the chairlift,” says Herlihy. 


At age 10, Herlihy demonstrated his skiing prowess by placing second in the Castlerock Extreme competition. Head-charging down some of Sugarbush’s most technical and demanding terrain, he displayed his technical precision and control with his characteristic indomitable and unbridled enthusiasm. “The experience really opened my eyes to the potential of the Green Mountains. It made me want to explore its diverse alpine terrain and connect with nature on and off the slopes.” 


With craft and technical know-how, Herlihy continued to progress through creativity and a can-do attitude. Unhampered by the improbable conditions and inconsistent East Coast weather, Herlihy hard-charged the steep and deep offerings at Sugarbush and Mad River Glen with regularity. “It made me a more versatile and better skier,” says Herlihy. “I learned how to read quickly changing terrain and how to ski in various conditions —ranging from bullet-proof ice to knee-deep powder.” 


That hard work led to freeskiing recognition at the Ski The East Freeride Tour (STEFT). Judges recognized Herlihy’s artistry, athleticism, dynamism, fluidity, and sure-footed perpendicularity that he exhibited during playful and technical descents. In 2017, he was bestowed the Flying Ryan Core Value award —an honor given to athletes who exemplify the values, boundless spirit, and passionate legacy of inspirational freeskier Ryan Hawks. During his three years on the STEFT tour, Herlihy consistently placed in the top five at competitions with his greatest achievement in 2018, when he finished first overall on the tour. 


Herlihy attributes his success and source of motivation to the communitarian and adventuresome spirit of the Mad River Valley ethos. “The community shaped my experiences. I grew up skiing with a hard-charging group of friends. We always pushed each other to perform bigger tricks, fly higher, and to exceed our own limits,” says Herlihy. “The bigger the vertical, the steeper the line, and the more smiles involved—the better.”


Nordica’s alpine gear has improved how Herlihy accesses and descends the mountains. “The ProMachine 130 is my most important piece of ski equipment. The boot is stiff and responsive, which helps me maneuver through tight trees and drive a big ski at high speeds,” says Herlihy. I often pair the ProMachine with the Enforcer Free 104. “There’s a lot of unpredictability in daily mountain snowfall, so if I’m unsure whether I’ll be skiing wind-scoured hardpack or a sleeper powder day, I grab the 104. Its balsa wood core and two sheets of metal extinguish chatter when its icy and its early rise tip and tail rocker allow for ample floatation in deeper snow.” 


Article by Charudet Smith - Photos by Brooks Curran

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Ime: Parker Herlihy
\nDatum rojstva: 22. november 1997


Mad River Valley v zvezni državi Vermont je pravo igrišče za zimske športe; in prav tu se je rodil Parker Herlihy. Začetki njegove poti in neskončne ljubezni do smučanja segajo v smučarsko letovišče Sugarbush, kjer se je mali Parker po strminah začel spuščati skorajda v trenutku, ko je shodil. S časom, učenjem in veliko željo se je naučil tudi vseh tehnik in veščin, z njimi pa je prišla tudi želja po smučanju z gora. “Smučanje je pobeg, nič ni boljšega kot šviganje po strminah dol in prijetno kramljanje s prijatelji na sedežnici na poti nazaj gor,” pravi Herlihy.


Svoje smučarsko mojstrstvo je Herlihy prikazal že pri rosnih 10 letih z osvojenim 2. mestom na tekmovanju Castlerock Extreme. Brez strahu se je pognal po nekaterih izmed tehnično najzahtevnejših terenov letovišča Sugarbush in dokazal svoje znanje, natančnost, kontrolo in nezamenljivo vnemo. “Ta izkušnja mi je res odprla oči - dojel sem, kakšen potencial ima gorovje Green Mountains. Takoj sem si želel raziskati raznovrstnost njegovega terena in se povezati z naravo - tako na pisti kot na divjih strminah.”


Z odličnimi veščinami in tehničnim znanjem je Herlihy še naprej napredoval, razvijal svoj talent in verjel, da zmore. Nestanovitne razmere in vreme Vzhodne obale Herlihyja niso vrgli z začrtane smeri - še naprej je pogumno osvajal strmine in globeli, ki jih ponujata Sugarbush in Mad River Glen. “Zaradi vsega tega sem postal bolj vsestranski in na splošno boljši smučar,\" pravi Herlihy. \"Naučil sem se, kako se prilagajati hitro spreminjajočemu se terenu in kako smučati v različnih pogojih - od kot kamen trdega ledu do pršiča, segajočega do kolen.”


Trdo delo ga je pripeljalo do uspeha na freeski tekmovanju Ski The East Freeride Tour (STEFT). Sodniki so prepoznali Herlihyjevo mojstrstvo, športno podkovanost, dinamiko, lahkotnost in zanesljivost, ki jih je pokazal med igrivimi, a tehnično izjemno zahtevnimi spusti. Leta 2017 je prejel nagrado Flying Ryan Core Value - priznanje športnikom, ki utelešajo vrednote, brezmejni duh in strastno zapuščino navdihujočega freeskierja Ryana Hawksa. V svojih treh letih na turneji STEFT se je Herlihy dosledno uvrščal med prvih pet, svoj uspeh pa je kronal leta 2018, ko se je povzpel na najvišjo stopničko.


Herlihy svoj uspeh in vir motivacije pripisuje kolektivnemu in pustolovskemu duhu doline Mad River Valley. »Skupnost je oblikovala moje izkušnje. Odraščal sem na smučeh, obdan s skupino prijateljev. Vedno smo drug drugega spodbujali k še večjim trikom, višjim skokom, preseganju lastnih meja,” pravi Herlihy. \"Strmejše kot je pobočje, višji kot je skok, več kot je smeha - tem boljše!”


Nordicina alpska oprema je Herlihyju olajšala dostop do gora in spust po njih. »ProMachine 130 je najpomembnejši del moje smučarske opreme. Čevelj je trden in odziven, kar mi pomaga pri manevriranju skozi drevesa in pri velikih hitrostih,« pravi Herlihy. »ProMachine pogosto združim s smučmi Enforcer Free 104. Razmere v gorah so pogosto res nepredvidljive, zato če nisem prepričan, kakšna bo podlaga, zgrabim 104. Jedro iz lesa balzovca in dve plasti kovine smuči umirita tudi na ledu, early rise profil konice ter rocker rep smuči pa omogočata dovolj lebdenja v globljem snegu.”


Avtor članka: Charudet Smith - Fotografije: Brooks Curran
